Adventure begins
F/V Sea Keeper will bring you closer to nature. The vessel is equally well-suited for poking around the rocky coves of the Maine coast as it is for observing whales on the blue-water of the open Atlantic. Because it is a beamy vessel with a tight turning radius (typical of a modern lobster hull), it is at once stable and highly maneuverable, an excellent platform for observation and photography. The enclosed salon offers 360° visibility, with outside viewing stations fore and aft.
110 volt power and a dry heated cabin provide a friendly environment for the most sensitive cameras and imaging equipment.
Quintet of young Kittiwakes – Stein
Opportunities abound for observing wildlife in the remote corners and outer islands of Muscongas and Penobscot Bays in Maine. There we may see colonies of seals sunning on exposed ledges, pairs of puffins bobbing on the waves, rookeries of rare terns, or rafts of sea ducks. We will encounter pods of harbor porpoise busy feeding. Overhead a bald eagle or osprey will occasionally cross our course. September brings the added pleasure of fabulous fall foliage.
Welcoming committee of harbor seals and grey seals – Stein
Nature trips on Sea Keeper from a Maine or Massachusetts port can be a fun day-outing for a family or a rewarding experience for a corporate office.
Summer feast – forage feeding humpback whale on Stellwagen Bank
Stellwagen Bank and Jefferys Ledge are recognized as among the ten best places in the world to observe large whales and cetaceans. The two marine habitats are ecologically linked – the rocky habitat of Jefferys supports a food-web dominated by herring while Stellwagen’s sandy environment supports a huge population of sand lance. Both species of bait fish are favored diet for many marine mammals, and large numbers of whales, especially humpback, fin back, minke and right whales, are drawn to these grounds every spring and summer to feed and nurse their young.
These phenomenal ecological treasures off the north coast of Massachusetts are parts of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Touring the Sanctuary in a vessel the size of Sea Keeper is a different sort of whale watch experience – an opportunity to observe and understand these animals more intimately in their native habitat. In the comfort of a boat with relaxed surroundings, we can take the time to approach the animals on their terms, to move with them at their pace, sensitive not to disturb their natural behavior. Sea Keeper adheres to guidelines for responsible whale watching recommended by NOAA and supported by the whale watch industry.
Deep dive – D. Ryan
Support Stellwagen Alive: Friends of Our National Marine Sanctuary
20% of the Sea Keeper charter fee for a day of whale watching in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary will be donated to Stellwagen Alive! to support ongoing public education on this valuable resource and these magnificent creatures.
Coastal Cleanup volunteers on Richmond Island
Cleanup trash
Volunteer for an island cleanup
During International Coastal Clean-up week (September 18-25, 2010) Sea Keeper will lead volunteer work-parties on much-needed island clean-ups. It’s fun! Please contact us for details.
For more information or to plan a nature adventure charter contact us